The Effect Of Roosevelt's Attack On Pearl Harbor

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Franklin Roosevelt made a very famous quote while in the war. He said, “The only thing we have to fear- is fear itself.” He was referring to the depression and the way that the people of the United States were responding to the sudden war threats. During World War two the world became a very different place, there were huge advances in technology as well as some very horrific things that took place. In 1930 the military began to take over Japan’s government creating many problems. The new “leaders” imprisoned anyone that tried to stop them from taking over. Following the military taking over in Japan they began to take over other other countries. The first country that they took over was Manchuria, in northern China, in 1931. This happened …show more content…

When Japan attacked the US they used 383 planes that attacked Pearl Harbor in two waves of attack. The planes were lead by Commander Fuchida (Hamilton 13). All of the US battleships were sunk or destroyed in the attack. The US only got two planes into the air to fight back before everything was destroyed. The US, however, did not have any aircraft carriers in port on the day of the attack. It, however, was merely an accident that there were no carriers in port. They were set to arrive in port on December 6 but they were delayed and did not arrive until December 8 (Pieart). After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the US declared war on Japan, bringing them into the war. On December 11, 1941, Germany and Italy declared war on the US hoping to give Japan a chance to win. It was now the US’s turn to fight back (Pieart). The battle of Midway was a very complex battle that looked very simple to the untrained eye. After the Japanese found out that the US may have lost some important bases they began to widen their area of attack and began to target Midway. The Japanese planned to use their entire fleet in their attack on Midway. They scattered their ships all over the Pacific (Garcia, Jesus et al 214). The Japanese used a fleet of 6 aircraft carriers, 11, battleships, 14 cruisers, 45 destroyers. They also used submarines, minesweeper, transports, and many other weapons in …show more content…

Their plan was to make an atomic bomb that could create enough energy to destroy several miles or a whole city (Pieart). The atomic bomb became the main focus of the US. The US spent over $2 billion on making the atomic bomb possible (Somerville 152). They took the project and split it into several sections across the US although the main lab was in Los Alamos, New Mexico (Pieart). The idea for the atomic bomb came from Albert Einstein. He thought that if an atom was split it would create a new and important source of energy using uranium (Somerville

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