Correlation Between Poverty And Crime

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Background of present Study Criminal activities exist in almost all the regions of the United States of America. These realities have led to the government as well as local governments to develop strategies of reducing crimes within the country. There are number of factors that lead to poverty within a given society. A person’s social economic status has an impact on their status of poverty as well as their ability to rise from the condition (Schneider, 2007). While illustrating poverty in the USA researchers needs to look at the economic status, Race, marital status, level of education and the criminal history of individuals. The most contributors to poverty in the country is race. A closer look at the United States of America reveals that people still live in segregated neighborhoods within states. A majority of the people in prisons and correctional facilities come from minority …show more content…

Dependent variable The dependent variable in the study is Crime levels. The study reveals the relationship of poverty on crime levels within the American society.
Research Design This study will concentrate on the effects of poverty and the rate of crime within the American society. It lays emphasis of government policies and implication of race towards crime.
Literature …show more content…

Some of the policies include increasing the amount of fines and other charges to offenders. This has led to stereotyping of race since Blacks and Latinos due to their poverty levels fills most of the spaces in prisons. The correlation between poverty and crime relates to the arguments that people who do not have much would want to take from those who have. It is unfair to associate poor people with crime but it is also true that crime levels are higher in places with low-income earners (Nebbitt et al