
The Effects Of Society On The Creature From Frankenstein

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Andrew Bush Per Ap English 10 Ms. Bryan Pd.1 12/6/22 The Effects of Society on The Creature from Frankenstein I. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a cult classic in Gothic literature. It is known for its exceptional use of diction and imagery. Frankenstein or sometimes known as The Modern Prometheus was written in 1818. Frankenstein tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a human-like creature but; the creature doesn’t turn out as he hoped. Lending itself to hatred and despise between the two over many years. The creature was not born a monster but is made into a monster through his disgusting looks and society's rejection and isolation, leading the creature into madness and an obsession with the Frankenstein family. …show more content…

He turns and looks at the creature, and says, “Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room, and continued a long time traversing my bed-chamber” (Shelley 26). The creature's isolation from the start of his life, especially when the creature’s creator is the first person to leave the creature. The act of running out of the room as soon as the creature comes to life starts to turn him into a monster within him. Later on in the novel, the creature is at the De Lacy house and finally starts to talk to Mr. De Lacy. He explains his life, ”I am an unfortunate and deserted creature, I look around and I have no relation or friend upon earth…I am an outcast in the world forever” (Shelley 75). The creature has been isolated from society so far during his life, with no friends and only himself. Being isolated, therefore having no one to go to leads the creature into sadness and depression. Furthermore, he is starting to call himself an outcast due to being isolated and declined by society. Being secluded from others has sculpted the creature into a monster. III. Being rejected by society also leads the creature into becoming a monster. After …show more content…

Furthermore, the creature has developed an obsession with the Frankenstein family by swearing eternal revenge against them; this drives his obsession even more. After the creature states this, he adds, ”you shall be my first victim” (Shelley 82). The creature tells this to William, who is just a kid. He does not know what Victor has done. By killing this unknowing child he demonstrates how he has gone into madness over the Frankenstein family. The creature has begun to grow unhinged and obsessed with Victor and his family. V. Some may consider that the creature was born a monster, but he was created through being isolated from society and how society refused to let him be part of the community, thus creating insanity and obsession over the whole Frankenstein family. The actions of society led the creature to believe that doing monstrous things, such as killing William, Henry, and Elizabeth is the way to react to being mistreated. If people were to be more inclusive of others and not judge based on their first impressions of them but on who they are. This would have fewer people labeled as outcasts and not isolated and rejected from

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