The Elusive Idea By Neal Gable Analysis

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Common belief states that our society values geniuses and prodigies as highly as religious figures. There are countless of stories illustrating geniuses solving impossible problems simply thought dramatic and random moments of realization. Such popular hypothesis discourages the majority by dictating that only the intellectually gifted are able to achieve great things. Instead our world reflects an opposing theory were ordinary people doing ordinary tasks are capable of developing extraordinary solutions. Geniuses are obsolete in our post-idea world. The author of the “The Elusive Idea” article, Neal Gable, explains that in our world the current generation is no longer interested in bold ideas and mind-itching thinking. Alternatively, in a …show more content…

Jobs is credited as the father of modern innovation. Although he only attended six month of college and contributed minimum engineering skills to the creation of his products, he earned his success by gathering, organizing, synergizing and working in a collective. Today’s Apple users have limited knowledge that the first functioning Apple computer was solely developed by Jobs's genius friend, Steve Wozniak. The two combined forces with their friends to form a group that would dominate the world’s technological inventions for decades. Job’s entrepreneurship and social skills built a name for the company as he became the representative and face of this innovation. The company soon grew into a billion dollar industry with millions of laborers and lucky Steve Jobs remains the name behind the innovative product. His career illustrates that extraordinary solutions are nurtured by ordinary people who were at the right place at the right time with the right skills. But even those people become the greats due to the team holding them up on their shoulders. Most of those geniuses including Isaac Newton recognize that, "If [they] have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants," thus underlining the importance of collaboration and common human …show more content…

Because highly intellectual individuals can lack emotional as well as mental maturity their logical skills interfere with their creative endeavours. Fortunately, the common people demonstrate additional naive characteristics which promote divergent thinking. Unlike, convergent or rational thinkers such paradox personalities are capable of recognizing good vs. bad ideas as described in the “Creative Personality” article. Therefore, those geniuses are stuck in true mundaneness while normal people expand and reflect upon their ideas daily. Plus, through trial and error strategy, regular people mastered preserving their energy in order to promote their creativity. For example, intense work sessions followed by rest in order to reflect on the progress of their project lead to personal goal completions as well as unique problem solving (Csikszentmihalyi 38). Ordinary people who know how to most effectively follow a routine without logical interference can achieve extraordinary

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