How Does The Enneagram Test Affect The Way You Work?

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The Enneagram is a nine numbered system that determines one’s personality. The person takes a personality quiz that has many different types of questions, and based on how they answer it that determines what number they receive. When I did the test I got an 8, the Challenger. According to Rohr, R., Ebert, A., & Heinegg, P., some personality traits of an eight is we are self-confident, strong, and assertive. We are also very protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes coming off as confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable. One fear we have is being controlled or harmed by other people. Eights would rather be on their own than rely on other people. We always need to have the feeling of being in control, no matter what it is.
Eights do not want to be controlled or …show more content…

I find personality tests pointless because I already know what my personality is, but I was never able to put it into words till now. I feel the Enneagram test and personality categories help to fully explain how I work. I can relate to almost/ if not everything in my category. For example, I like to address problems directly and when I commit to something I am too stubborn and can never quit it. I like to push people’s buttons and I find it entertaining when I get in an argument with someone and they get all flustered. Just because I find it fun that does not mean everyone else does. It is a blessing being stubborn because it is a little easier to achieve what you set out to do, but sometimes one needs to know when to back down, and I do not know when I need to back off. I have never been able to back down from a fight, and sometimes I’ve ended up in some pretty sticky situations. But I stick with my gut and things usually work themselves out in the

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