The Epigraph Of T. S. Eliot's Diction

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The Epigraph Eliot sets the tone long before the poem begins. In his dedication to Ezra Pound, a famous modernist poet and his editor, Eliot quotes one of the tall stories of Trinalchio in the Satyricon or Petronius Arbiter. The quote translates to “For I myself once saw with my own eyes the Sibyl hanging in a cage, and when the boy asked her ‘Sybil, what do you want?’ she answered ‘I want to die.’” This immediately sets the dark atmosphere for the reader, that is of course if they can understand it. The Wasteland, Movement I. The Burial of the Dead T.S. Eliot officially opens with poem with a paradox, “April is the cruellest month”, adding to the gloom. He continues with words that take you to a sound, rather than describing it to the reader.