
Right To Die In India

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Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory. Rights are of various types like Natural Rights, Legal Rights, Claim Rights, Liberty Rights, Positive Rights, Negative Rights, Individual Rights, Group Rights, fundamental rights, universal rights. Right to life is one of the most essential fundamental rights. The reversal of right to life that is right to die is still not allowed in our country. The main objectives are to find that whether judicial intervention is needed to justify the right to die or not. Whether desire to die is unnatural or abnormal and whether the right to life and personal liberty of Indian constitution is self inclusive of right to die. The essay will mainly focus on the issue that how the judiciary of India is responding towards the present issue when this right has been approved in many countries of the world. …show more content…

The first case in which the debating issue of right to die was brought before an Indian court is STATE V. SANJAY KUMAR BHATIA wherein the high court has criticized section 309 of the Indian Penal Code as an anachronism and paradox. In this case young man has allegedly tried to commit suicide presumably because of over emotionalism. It is ironic that section 309 of Indian penal code still continues to be on our penal code. Strange paradox that in the age of votaries of euthanasia, suicide should be criminally punishable .the very idea is

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