The Ethicality Of Space Exploration

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Space exploration has been significant to the history of America throughout decades on end. Not just the exploration of space, but the exploration of planet Earth itself as well. In this source, it focuses on the common public question of whether or not space exploration is ethical if there’s still so much left on our planet to explore. In the past, America was involved in the international “space race”, in which we actually still are involved in to this day. The international competition does inevitably result in accomplishments, including that of the Apollo program, which is a major pinpoint in not only American history, but changed space exploration forever. To end the space exploration program will not only limit education and opportunity but will also strip America of its title as a scientific, exploration nation. …show more content…

He also provides information as to how space exploration has played a major role in shaping American history, and why it remains important present day. At the end of the article, different articles of literature that the author referred to are cited, which keeps his article credible and reliable. This article is also a part of NASA’s official government website, meaning only credible professionals are able to post their articles on the site.
This article supports my argument because it supports my claim of why space exploration remains vital to America. While space exploration gets cut in America, various countries around the world are continuing to strengthen their space programs. This article provides the basis as to what NASA’s professionals say about the situation, helping me to better support my claim. I will use this source to pull quotes from to include in my side of the