The Ethos Institute Of Social Responsibility

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Social responsibility is often confused with social action by the community. The Social Action, or Private Social Investment, held by organisations, is only part of the actions of socially responsible companies. Social Responsibility is actually a new form of business management. According to Joyner and Payne (2010, p.297), an ethical and transparent management based on principles and values that set mechanisms of dialogue with its stakeholders, in order to incorporate, to the business of company, the expectations of stakeholders or affected by the performance of the organisation stakeholders. This group includes employees, suppliers, shareholders, government and society, customers, community, environment and even competitors. According to the Ethos Institute, the term "social responsibility" refers to a form of conduct company's business in such a manner as to be a partner and co-responsible for social development. The Ethos Institute of Social Responsibility is a non-profit organisation that aims to mobilize, sensitize and help companies manage their socially responsible business, making them partners in …show more content…

And business ethics reflects on the rules and effectively dominant values in a company, wonders whether the factors quality that make certain act be an act "good". As applied ethics it aims to establish, by agreement with the people affected by the act business, material and procedural rules that were put in place in the company as possessing binding. It seeks to restrict the conflicting effects of the principle profit toward the concrete business activities (Schwartz and Carroll, 2009, p.503). In a broad sense, this way the factors are based on the idea of a second social contract which all members society behave in a harmonious way, taking into account the interests of

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