Philanthropy In The 1800s Research Paper

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Over the course of the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, the objectives of philanthropy turned to a new chapter. The definition of philanthropy today is: ¨goodwill to fellow members of the human race; especially : active effort to promote human welfare¨ (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Led by Andrew Carnegie, philanthropy’s basis changed from focusing on major objectives to focusing on individual objectives. The evolution of philanthropy in the twentieth century, changed the objectives of philanthropy today. The philanthropy evolution and the creation of new groups, tie with what philanthropy developed into during the twenty-first century. During the late nineteenth century, leading businessmen had a new nickname, ¨robber …show more content…

¨ -- John D. Rockefeller (The Rockefeller Foundation). On May 14, 1913, the Rockefeller Foundations grant and establishment was approved by the New York Legislature. When the Rockefeller Foundation was approved, the foundations first grant was to the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross received one hundred thousand dollars, which would be over one point six billion dollars today. The Rockefeller Foundation today focuses mainly on health related issues and has given more than seventeen billion current dollars to the medical field alone (The Rockefeller …show more content…

Philanthropy took another turn, causing Americans to take a look at their own lives and how to help others, one being Al Capone. Al Capone was considered a bootlegger in the early twentieth century, and made his money by distributing alcohol when alcohol was illegal. His criminal history led to the decision to clean up his image and help the public. In 1931, Al Capone start the soup kitchen. On the corner of 9th and State Street, in Chicago, Illinois, a civilian could find a store entitles ¨Free Soup, Coffee, & Doughnuts for The Unemployed¨ (Rare Historical Photos). At Al Capone’s soup kitchen, few were employed but many were fed, he provided a place for someone to have food and a brief rest. By December of 1931, the Chicago Tribune’s headline read ¨120,000 meals are served by Capone Free Soup Kitchen¨ (Rare Historical Photos). Al Capone started an enterprise, as soup kitchens and food banks are still used in the United