The Facts And Forecast Of The Vietnam War

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• Recently facts and forecast: When the war ended with a North Vietnamese victory in 1975, the country was unified under a communist. As a long-time communist state, Vietnam has been traditionally closed off to the West.
However, over the last several decades, it has introduced a number of modern economic and social reforms. In 1986, the government initiated a series of economic and political reforms which began Vietnam's path towards integration into the world economy, moving away from a centrally-planned system by encouraging private business and free trade, and today state-owned enterprises account for only about 40% of GDP.
In the 1990’s, the government requests for compensation for war crimes to the US, and in turn, the US partially lifted …show more content…

• Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Vietnam is still a very poor country with a GDP of $553.4 billion (2015 est.). This means about $6,000 (2015 est.) per capita. The impressive growth is mainly due to a very low starting point and a high inflation rate, of 4,1% in 2014 but that have decrease to 0,6% in 2015.
Its GDP is composed by a 17,4% of agriculture, 38,8% of industry and a 43,7% of services. Its Gross National Saving supposed a 28,1% of their GDP.

• Human Development Index: Of 0.666, inside the medium category, and in the 116 position within the world’s ranking. This low rate is caused by a low lifespan or life expectancy at birth of 70.9 male and 76.2 women, the education is not free and some poor families may have trouble paying tuition for their children without some form of public or private assistance, a high fertility rate and a high …show more content…

Within the country, 2.6 million of people haven’t electricity. The main resources where the Vietnam’s energy came from are by hydroelectric plants (50,9%), by fossil fuels (48,9%) and just a 0,2% from other renewable sources. Also, there is 0% of its energy that came from nuclear fuels, and neither import or export natural gas, so Vietnam is auto sufficient with that last resource of energy. Nevertheless, with the crude oil and the redefined petroleum, Vietnam produced, consume and export high quantities. Overall, Vietnam is in the 54 position as a exporter, and in the 51 as

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