The Fifth Wave Summary

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The book “The Fifth Wave,” written by Rick Yancey, is a science fiction novel. The book is set within the Fifth Wave. The main character, Cassie, is knocked unconscious and the book offers flashbacks and details on the five waves of attacks that destroyed humanity. Aliens (the Others) have invaded the earth and are wiping out the human population in “waves.” So far there have been five waves. The first wave, named the “Surge,” cut off all electricity from the Earth. Over half a million people were killed as power to vehicles and airplanes were cut off in mid-transit, causing crashes and mass death. The second wave was named “Surf’s up.” Aliens dropped giant rods on the Earth’s seismic plates. The rupture of these plates caused giant tsunami …show more content…

The remaining population desperately tries to survive off of what they can, hoping that the one in charge, whoever they may be will save them. Cassie, the main character of the story, lives in Camp Haven with the other humans. When a troop of alien soldiers invade Camp Haven, only the kids are taken notice of, and are later abducted. The children are taken away on busses. Cassie’s brother, Sammy, is taken away on a bus, but before he leaves, he gives Cassie his beloved teddy bear. After the kids are taken away, the leader of the alien army, Commander Vosch, orders the killing of everyone who remains. Cassie escapes a narrow death, but must witness the death of her own father before her very eyes. Upon leaving the camp, Cassie begins to discover the truth- not all humans are human. Aliens, called “silencers,” take over human bodies try to eliminate the real humans. The Fifth Wave is where the book begins. Cassie being shot in the leg by a silencer. The reader is told that Cassie has been knocked unconscious and later wake up in the home of a boy named Evan Walker, a farm boy in Ohio. Cassie spends many days and even weeks within the house. When Cassie goes to rescue her brother Sammy, she finds out that Evan Walker, the boy that rescued her, is actually a