The Film Shape Of Water By Guillermo Del Toro

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Americans seem to share their core values in almost every aspect of life including movie. Some movies are produced to signify the culture values to the audience beside entertaining them, Shape of Water (directed by Guillermo del Toro, 2017) as an example. In this essay, materialism which was vastly reflected by Colonel Richard Strickland character, would be taken into deep consideration. This movie illustrates the time 1960s in Baltimore, the height of the Cold War in American. Elisa, a mute woman working as a cleaning staff in a laboratory where the government secretly confine a special living creature. Elisa finds herself fascinated by the creature. They make friends and fall in love with each other. Then, she takes an action to rescue the creature with the help of her friends, Giles – neighbour and Zelda – her colleague. However, they would face a harsh problem with Colonel Richard Strickland, who is in charge of exploiting the creature to benefit American government. At the end of the movie, Colonel Strickland is killed by the creature. The movie has an open ending which is not …show more content…

The materialism may be affected by working or action orientation and ‘can-do’ spirit. When they were born, they was taught to be independent. Growing up, they tend to set the goal for life and do everything to reach without caring about the broken relationship. The notions of achieving has a deep root in their mind. They particularly focus on their target and they believe material things have strong connection to happiness. They try hard to work and they need to receive what they totally deserve for. The materialism get people more likely to value others through their possession and social class. In addition, American also dream take a lot of effect on the way they live. They probably like to have more and more. Desire to purchase unnecessary and luxury items then they might throw away after

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