The Fishing Industry In Sebastian Junger's A Perfect Storm

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The fishing industry is the single most dangerous industry left in the United States. Although many safety regulations are being enforced, there is simply no way to control the ocean. The lives of up to a hundred men can rest on one captain's judgement. As fishing boats improved throughout the 19th and 20th century, boats began to move further from shore where the fishing was better. However, this placed them in much more danger from storms, gear failure and more. During a storm that far out into the ocean, waves can get as large as 100 ft, and winds over 100 mph. With such extreme conditions, being out of the Coast Guard’s help range is called being out of luck.Your only other hope is that someone else near you will brave the storm to save you. …show more content…

Although the story of the Andrea Gail appears to be the center by which all of Junger’s facts support, really the Andrea Gail and her crew were another logical example. By allowing the reader to see how much is at stake for these men at sea, Junger better showed his argument of how dangerous fishing is. All the men on the boats have debts, families, and homes to pay for. They look to fishing to get lots of cash relatively quick. Inserting the Andrea Gail into this book allowed for the reader to connect with some characters before Junger launches deeper into the depths of fishing. In this plunge he discusses the impossibility of the weather, how it feels to drown, and the day-to-day struggles of