
The Five Codes

269 Words2 Pages
1. The Five Codes 1.1 The Hermeneutic Code (HER) refers to anything that is ambiguous, questionable or that isn’t explained in a story. It maintains suspense, so this code is also called the enigmatic code (Barry, 2002, p.151 & Felluga, n.d.). 1.2 The Proairetic Code (ACT) refers to the elements that hook the readers’ interest and involve with the action or behaviors (Felluga, n.d.). 1.3 The Semantic Code (SEM) is made up of elements called semes referring to Barthes Barthes (cited in Miller, R, 1990, p.190) said that “the seme is a connotator of persons, places, objects, of which the signified is a character.” The semantic code refers to the elements that have deeper meaning or connotative meaning. For example, the mention of “party” and “mansion”

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