The Football Team In The Film Remember The Titans

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In the movie “Remember the Titans” The story follows the football team when the coach hired to coach the Black school is made head coach over the white coach who has been there for quite some time. Based on the actual events of 1971, the team becomes the unifying symbol for the community as the boys and the coaches learn to depend on and trust each other. The first stage, the formation stage in this movie takes place when the two high schools combine and the black and white football players are testing out how the other half of the team is going to think and feel about them joining their side. When the black athletes are in the gym ready to meet Coach Herman Boone. In this interaction the athletes have come together for the first time, they are unsure of their roles on the team, they are not really sure of what to expect from each other, and the same goes with their new coach, Herman Boone. The questioning of roles is also shown when the past head football coach Yoast enters Boone’s meeting with the black athletes by entering in with the white players. Coach Yoast does not know how this confrontation between him and Coach Boone will go. The end of this phase occurs when the team is walking into training camp. In this scene the team is shown …show more content…

This shows the color barrier has finally been broken and the team is now acting like a team. This is significant in the movie because up to this point it hadn't really felt like the team was unified until this interaction. The Titans are happy to be working as one but still don't know how to handle every situation, which in their case doesn't seem to unreasonable. After all, this is an entire new obstacle for both colors. Boone also lets the team come up with their own workout regimen which allows for everyone to voice their opinion and be a part of group decisions. This could solidify the norming