The Four Classical Elements

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Wiccans honor the four classical elements along with a fifth element, which repre- sents the spirit, or the self, respectively. Within our environment, we are sur- rounded by these elements. They are in our skies, at our feet, in the warmth of sun rays, and the various natural resources of water around us.
The four classical elements are incorporated into many healing traditions. Healers have discovered that it is helpful to focus on the elements when seeking the course of treatment that would best fit our problems.
The element of air represents mental intention, intellect, and a connection to uni- versal life force.
Earth stands for grounding, foundation of life, connection to life path, substance, and family roots.
Fire means energy, inner strength, tool for transformation, and connection to per- sonal power. …show more content…

The classical elements are represented in various different items and throughout several religions. The four suits of tarot cards stand for the four elements. Native
Americans recognize the four elements in their medicine wheel. Even simple hu- man tendencies gravitate toward the four elements. We soak in a hot bath, take a quick lap in the pool, for emotional release. We step out for a breath of fresh air to regain clarity, mental intention, and intellect.
As with each of the elements being connected to certain traits, they are also tied to the four cardinal directions. Earth is connected to the north, air to the east, fire to the south, and water to the west. A fifth element, spirit or self, is recognized in some traditions of Wicca, though not all.
As you further explore the Wiccan religion, you will hear about the elements again and again, learning many more specifics about them. But, the most important thing to understand about the elements is that they make up everything, infused within every aspect of

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