Elements Of Democracy

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According to the Merriam - Webster Dictionary, “Democracy is a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.” The word 'democracy ' has its origins in the Greek language. It combines two shorter words: 'demos ' meaning whole citizen living within a particular city or state and 'kratos ' which means power or rule. Democracy introduced a system in which each individual person has a vote on who they want as their rulers and how structures function in a country, with whatever the most people vote for wins. There is no king nor tyrant, and any citizen holds the right to propose a new law. With …show more content…

The first element being a system which enable the choosing and replacing of Government members through elections. The second element being the continuous participation citizens, in politics and civic life. The third element being protection of the human rights of all citizens and lastly, the fourth element being that the laws and procedures apply in an equal manner to all citizens. Democracy allows for people’s voices to be heard as they choose their leaders, people who will be their representatives in parliament, people who will become their local and national Governors. Citizens choose by voting between the competing parties as the citizens are sovereign in a democracy, which means that they are the highest form of political authority, holding the utmost power. The power in …show more content…

Consequently, the decisions made by the people work to the benefit and have the support of most of society as the citizens are the ones who made the decision. Without democracy, decisions made may only be of benefit to a small segment of society, at the expense of the rest of the nation. Discontent would also arise as there is not support from the majority of society. And very importantly, citizens would not be part of the country’s decision making as their opinions and preferences are not taken account for. Arab is a non democratic country as their citizens’ views are not put into consideration in Arab’s decision making processes, causing citizens to become violent as that is one of the only ways their voices could and would be heard by people in the Government, people with power to make decisions. Many non democratic countries anticipate that citizens would turn to violence, causing these countries to become heavily militarized. Therefore, democracy does not only create a political institution supported by the majority of society, but also seeks to improve the nation’s standard of living by developing safe