
The Fourteenth Dalai Lama

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“Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing”. This particular quote was from the sixteenth president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, also known as the Honest Abe. Abraham Lincoln was a great role model for possessing good character traits. His Holiness, the fourteenth Dalai Lama is a spiritual leader of Tibet. He always discusses the topics about peace, wisdom and compassion. People look up to the Dalai Lama as an inspirational leader and role model. Dalai Lama obtains plenty of good character traits such as, compassion, honesty, kindness, etc. Character traits are describing a person’s personality by their behavior and attitude whether they are good or bad traits. …show more content…

People would want to socialize with people that they can trust. People would associate with a person if they are a reliable and dependable person. Integrity beneficial because it makes an individual's life much more straightforward. The decisions are much more clear and the person believes in every action they take. People can see that he/she can stand up for what they believe in, which sets a good example and may motivate others to be a better person. If a person acquired integrity, they instantly become a great leader and a role model. A person becomes a leader and a role model when they have people’s trusts and they can immediately gain trust if they have integrity. It is crucial to have integrity because it shows that people can make right decisions whether if someone is watching or …show more content…

A person will attract and befriend more people if they gain the trait humility. People will not associate with others who are arrogant and thinks that they are the best at everything; people can't stand the arrogance attitude. Humility leads to being an astounding leader because being open to others’ ideas rather and collaborating with everyone is a key to be a humble leader. Not taking any feedback from people prove that they are not humble which leads to people losing faith and respect in them. Humility means to accept the mistakes that have been made and improved from it. It is important to take any weaknesses and turning it into strengths by learning from the people in your society. Humility is one of the three most important character traits because it shows that a person is very

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