The Future Of Music In The 1950's

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Technology has advanced music faster than anything before. Technology has allowed society to access music easier than ever and faster than ever. Back in the 50's, technology wasn't as advanced as it is today. The main source of listening to music in the past were purely through watching a live event or the rare occasion in which that event was broadcasted live across the radio. The invention of the TV allowed society to watch a live event anywhere in the world from the comfort of their own home without having to pay for a ticket. Later on, the invention of multitrack tape recording allowed record companies to record their live events and then produce and publish them as albums, increasing the income of their record company as well as delivering …show more content…

During the 1950’s, the only ways you could record music was either through score or through a recording studio. You were able to write scores for music but in order to get an audio copy of your song, you would have to use a recording studio with equipment specifically made for recording. This barrier stopped a lot of wannabe musicians who had to resort to playing in the public and hoping someone would notice them. Because of how technology has evolved today, anyone with a computer is able to make a song without any instruments or equipment needed. You could say that because of technology the music industry today has split in two directions. You have the major recording companies such as warner, sony and universal studios who do physical copies and major promotions. The other side of the industry is an unofficial label in the style of using digital platforms such as youtube and soundcloud to market their songs on there. Anyone can produce a song and share it globally with the use of these two platforms. Instead of relying on recording companies to pay wages, musicians rely on companies such as google adsense and their fanbase to pay their wages. The fans watch their music with google adsense in front of the video, and in return adsense pays the musician every month based on the amount of views they received per month. Other sites such as patreon allows fans to donate to their artists based on either a monthly donation or a donation per video which automatically gets taken every time the artist produces a new song. People today don’t have to rely on the major recording labels to tour and make money but instead can take control of their own career and tour and make money on their own accord with their fanbase which they have built through the use of social

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