The Genesious Of The Illiad Analysis

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Rage! in the very begenning Homer uses this word as a worning or a sign of things to come.The genesious of the Illiad shows us a glimps of how the leaders and kings lived , a peek into the way they thoughts and what they belive in at the time. There is a lot to take and learn from , although mainley learning from their mistakes. The Men of that age lacked lots of trates that we have today and if They lived in our cizioty today they would have beeen labled immoral, or what we like to call scumbags. Greed, lust and the lack of respect for others is how our tale shall begain. Paris gave us our first worning of how to treat ones naubor, one would assum that if respected Menelaus there world have not been a Trojen War. Paris already had everything …show more content…

Pride! Why did Menelaus presue Helen? Was it because he truly loved he and could not be without her? Almost makes you wonder what is love, i doubt that was the case because I beleve if you love a person you would want that person to be happy period, WHETHER or not they love you back. Menelaus is a king, surly there would be houndreds of women lining up to take Helens place. He could have gotten another girl, men today would have probly been happy to get a devorce and not ahe to pay alimony. Pride chased Helen across the Aegean Sea. Pride is the the reason for the Trojen War. Menelaus was embaressed and his ego was being butchered. Today Helen would have gotten a restraing order put aginst him. This is the bluebrint for the way women were treated for years , like a medal or trophy just something for decoration. Certanly thousounds of lives would have been spared and it not been for the ego and arragonce of a few …show more content…

Agamemmnon had no quoral with Paris or any person from Troy. Agamemmnon's quoral was with himself our author tells us on page four his reasons for going to Troy- to gain honor, glory and plunder. During this period of time, men like this are concered vertuious and prave. Today we see them as bullies and tyrents. He thought very highley of himself. He disrespected the Greek God Apollo by taking his a women loyal to him. Not only did he take a women, we can only assum and imegin what she had to endour. Agamemmnon was so proud in fact it litarly took a plauge for him to return the women. That was not the last pride made Agamemmnon fool. He then is upset , and takes a woman from Achilles, we call that being a hater. The Gods have shown him already the wrath of a man scorned the anger of a man who's woman has been taken, yet he ignores the wornings and it proved to be deadly. He shows us how stuborn men truly

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