The Germanic Goths And Barbarians: The Invasion Of Rome

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Barbarians had always been invading Rome. The Germanic Goths, and Vandals had been attacking Rome’s borders for decades before Alaric, King of Visigoth was successful in 410 AD. It took Me awhile to build back up from what Alaric had done, but once again the city was taken over in 455 by the Vandals. Lastly, Odoacer overthrew Rome one last time from Romulus Augustulus, and the Roman Empire was no more.
As it was from the outside, Rome was also falling apart within its walls. The economy and rise of taxes to help funding for armies widened the line between the rich and poor, and the city went to waste. The Roman Legions themselves started to dwindle down as well. Constantine and Diocletian began recruiting foreign merchants to support and

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