In the story, Scrooge is visited by the spirits of Christmas past, present, and future on Christmas Eve. Each spirit leads scrooge to view one of three divergent times in his lifetime. The reason why the spirits visited him is because, they wanted to convince him to act more compassionate and less miserly to others. All of them had an impact on Scrooge, but one of them had the most. The Ghost of Christmas Past showed Scrooge his life when He was a young man. When he was a young man, Scrooge was a teacher. The ghost showed him the time when Scrooge took his wife to a dance. Also, it showed Scrooge when his wife was very ill and she died in the bed. Scrooge seemed like he …show more content…
It also showed Scrooge when a child was very sick and he could have died. Scrooge was getting tired of the ghosts appearing in his room so, he got in bed and suddenly closed the curtains. He closed the curtains, because he feared the ghosts and they were creeping him out. The Ghost of Christmas Future was the last ghost that appeared in the room. He was not similar to the other ghosts. The Ghost of Christmas Future was looked very frightening to Scrooge. Scrooge feared him greater than the other ghosts. He feared the frightening looking ghosts, because the ghost showed Scrooge when he was going to die. Scrooge was very surprised and he started to weep and cry. Scrooge promised and