The Giver Censorship Analysis

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The Giver by Lois Lowry is a novel based on an utopian society, in which the community appears to be a perfect place with no signs of war, poverty, social issues, hunger, pain and disease. Jonas, the protagonist of the novel, is a young boy who initially believes he lives in a perfect community until he begins training under the Receiver of Memory. The Receiver of Memory or “The Giver” as Jonas calls him begins to give Jonas the memories that the society was neglected in order to establish social order and sameness. Jonas who now attains the knowledge of real love, color, war, and pain realizes that the society has been under control by others. Under this control the citizens were denied the knowledge of real experiences evoking them to feel …show more content…

Freedom of speech is defined as the right to express opinions without censorship or restrictions. Censoring according to an article found on The Spectator: West High’s Newspaper called, “Censorship does Harm, Good” states, “Freedom of speech is compromised. Media giants can push their agendas under the censorship. It hinders upon the freedom of the press. It shelters people from things that they need to know about.” This statement argues that censorship or the limitation of knowledge hides the truth from people who should know what is going on in their society. This happens in politics, media and economy. Censorship also restricts freedom of speech in people’s opinion. “The Thought Police” by Seth Stevenson touches on this dilemma. In his article he states, “ Colorfully put. In many ways, though, its the very basis of the First Amendment: You may disagree with what Im saying, but you may not silence my voice. Even when I'm calling you a bad name; even if what I say is not “politically correct” (Stevenson). In this statement Stevenson is implying the direct meaning of the First Amendment by stating that disagreements and censorship of phrases or knowledge is silencing the voice of an individual. Censorship is very dependent on an individuals perspective. On my circumstances individuals will be angered because people’s opinions, ideas, and works are being limited due to others disapproval. For this reason, limiting knowledge is taking away the right of peoples freedom to hear what other have to say. Limiting peoples opinions is detrimental to