The Gloomy Atmosphere In Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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The gloomy athmosphere that dominates the beginning of the film hooks the viewer. The setting, Characters, Sound, and Lighting all help create this atmosphere. The main scene is short, however brimming with effect. The thunder and lightning alone give it a dark opening, which snatches the enthusiasm of the group of watchers, as it is illustrative of intelligence. These emotional sound impacts set the spooky and heavenly air that Shakespeare needed to make alongside the witches. Rather than seeing Macbeth, Shakespeare's gathering of people is confronted with three unusual looking ladies. The scene is set on beach in the medieval time age. The atmosphere created in the opening scene of the play portrays a supernatural theme. The stage directions indicate that the play begins with a storm, and supernatural forces immediately appear in the form of the three witches. This first scene establishes the dark mood that goes through the entire play. The dark sky and lighting help create this dark setting. The beach is also empty and seems never ending making it look more eerie and gives the 3 witches more of a focal point …show more content…

The witches in this movie are interpreted as old and ugly making them look like a stereotypical witch. They are also wearing rugged clothes and their voices seem crackly. The 3 witches do not say much in the opening scene but the few words they do say are very important and create the whole mood for the story. At the end of the scene, all the witches together say:”Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.” this states that events are going to be unpredictable. They also say that when they meet again, they will also meet with Macbeth, which is negative

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