We have discussed in class a major controversy in our society today, atheist versus believers. The two videos we were assigned to watch discusses each viewpoint in detail. On one side of the argument we have the author and atheist Richard Dawkins discussing his book The God Delusion and then we have the author of God’s Brain, Lionel Tiger, a well-known anthropologist. Dawkins presents an argument against God. Dawkins wants people to know atheism is an option and you can be a happy well-balanced person with such beliefs. Dawkins believes the existence of God is improbable. Dawkins main idea is that anything that knows and can do what God knows and can do would have to be incredibly complex and anything that complex is improbable. Dawkins wants science and reason to set the human race in a moral direction because you are able to find truth in science. He thinks religious views are set when children are young “infecting” their naive brains. …show more content…
Tiger writes God’s Brain to relay his opinion on religion. He believes the purpose of religion is to help ease brain pain i.e. anxiety, depression, internal, and external stress. Tiger and McGuire combine their thoughts and come to the conclusion that the brain is both the foundation and main recipient of religion. Tiger says “Religion is to the brain as exercise is to the body.” Simply put Tiger sees religion as a coping mechanism for the brain. The rituals and socialization that comes along with religious beliefs helps the mind calm itself. For example a Christian church service is a gathering full of people first you will sing songs of worship, pray, and then listen to a sermon. After this social gathering you generally feel happier. Although Tiger and McGuire’s ideas seem to make logical sense some believers may see this theory as an attempt to alternate brain chemistry for