
The Godfather And Gone The Wind Analysis

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1)Thane Rosenbaum expressed the contrast and basis of the essay by portraying the two dissimilar points with the arguments that habitually accompanied them. He introduced the conflicting ideas of those who were inclined to liking a film better than its corresponding book, and those who liked a book better than its corresponding film. Through the author's introduction, the reader gets a general idea of what the contrasting points are, and an example of an argument that supports each point. The reader is able to immediately relate with one of the arguments and form an opinion as a result of the arguments being exceedingly general. 2)The personal anecdote in paragraph two informed the reader that the author was credible. As a screenwriter, he practiced the craft of writing screenplays, on which mass media, such as films and television programs, are based; therefore, Thane had an extensive experience with the manner that novels were changed to create movies and the things that must be adjusted and removed. For example, he '' was asked to write the screenplay'' of his novel, Second Hand Smoke, and was able to ''learn a good deal about what goes …show more content…

I agree with Rosenbaum's statement since these films were not exact imitations of their original novels. The screenplay was changed to create a similar story that was not identical to the novel. The screenwriter took liberties and filled the empty spaces with montage effects to add more visual moments instead of incorrect and exaggerated content. Some significant scenes were expressed extensively while others were not. The film had a positive result since there were no expectations, compromises, and concessions made; therefore, the screenwriter was able to redesign the story according to his or her desires and to shape the ending without restrictions, thus, removing all the expectations of the

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