The Golden Lynx Analysis

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Throughout the Russian history multiple cultures emerged. In the novel, The Golden Lynx written by CP Lesley, the reader is able to see two different cultures. There are similarities and differences between the steppe nomadic life and the life of the sedentary Muscovite life. The steppe nomadic life is portrayed through the Tatars, meanwhile the sedentary Muscovite life is portrayed through the Russians. Furthermore, the characters used within the novel are fictional, but the backdrop of the novel is historically accurate. Although different religions, the women are suppressed in similar ways within the steppe nomadic life and the sedentary Muscovite life. The Tatar’s value a man’s life over a woman’s life. This is quickly seen in the beginning of the novel when Nasan’s brother, Girei, dies by the hands of the Russians. Quickly after his death Nasan, without time to properly grieve, was forced into questioning. When Nasan goes to speak to her parents about her brother’s death, which she experienced firsthand, they instantly blame her for his death. Bulat, Nasan’s father, says, “’you had no business in the woods. Confess! Girei left the fortress because you talked him into it. I expect a formal vow, sworn on the Koran and over the hearth fire, …show more content…

This is thoroughly seen by following Nasan (Irina), throughout the book. She lives through both customs and is equally suppressed in both. After witnesses her brother’s death she was unable to do anything about it. She wanted to learn how to shoot an arrow accurately and ride horses, however because of her gender she is not taught those skills like the men are. Then she is forced into a marriage with a Russian because of a truce her father wants to create. In order to achieve her want to be a heroin, she must go out in public dressed like a man. The men had the upper hand and were superior to