The Golden Spruce Essay

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The Golden Spruce: A Passage of Time and Conflict The cover page of John Vaillant's, The Golden Spruce, states that it is, “A true story of myth, madness and greed.” One cannot help being drawn in by this powerful statement from the cover, along with the title itself and the idea of a golden tree. However, this book is so much more than those powerful words and a golden tree. The Golden Spruce explores the classic themes of man versus nature but not in the sense that one might suppose. The reason that The Golden Spruce is so intriguing is that it uses historical bouts between man and nature to reach the climax of the story where it comes to one man and one tree. The author then signifies the importance of this event to relay his message to …show more content…

However, in contrast, humans also have the ability of efficient destruction as long as a gain can be achieved from it. This is the struggle that exists in all of us and this is what John Vaillant is trying to convey through The Golden Spruce tree and Grant Hadwin. The Golden Spruce is a non-fiction work that tells the events of the only known golden sitka spruce, located on the Haida Gwaii, and the man, who in 1997, cut the tree down. The book is comprised of fourteen chapters that each contribute to the complex matter of this event. The beginning chapters give a history of both man and nature. Vaillant opens by giving a vivid depiction of the Haida Gwaii and the surrounding area to give the reader a sense of geography. He also does an excellent job of giving the history of all aspects of the matter. These aspects include the the forestry industry, the people of Haida Gwaii and their connection to the tree and the man who fell the tree. The history of the locations and people are delved into thoroughly that brings the reader back thousands of years to when man did not populate the area. Times progresses in the story as the reader learns about the tribes and

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