The Goon: A Short Story

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The Dr. talked the pair into stopping on the return trip to demonstrate how they eliminated the goons. he took notes on each zed dispatch by either blunt weapons or the suppressed firearms. He was clearly intrigued by the casual approach used by the convicts and their tools. Back in town Trey scouted ahead to see if the crowd of music lovers were still gathered.

The laser carrier was turned around. Joker idled the truck in reverse several blocks until noticed by the group of four to five hundred ghouls. Firing was delayed until the Dr. was happy with the target pattern and density. With the firing button depressed a long line of goons collapsed. The invisible beam of light shattered the windows of a car far down range before the cycle ended.

The truck idled forward until the dead had closed ranks becoming worthy of another burst of energy. Trey estimated to …show more content…

Everyone had a good look at the death machine the next morning. It wasn't much to look at so there was some disappointment. No chrome, no flashy paint, just an OD green truck with some hardware on the bed. The pair of criminals were being looked at like it was some kind of scam. The council pushed again for a demonstration. Finally the operators agreed.

The truck was driven to the end of the entrance road. The weapon was positioned in front of the large sign proclaiming this facility was a Pennsylvania State Correction Facility. Being a showman, Joker fired up the generator, checked the batteries and made a production of studying the control panel. At last he stopped the noisy generator, counted down loudly and pushed the firing button.

What drew the crowd's attention past the sign was the effect on the forest beyond the target. Leaves swirled down from the trees and some smaller limbs fell to the ground. Further into the woodland birds erupted above the canopy, squawking in panic at the disturbance after a loud crash of a dead tree limb