The Gospel Of John Essay

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“The Gospel of John” is an interpretation of the New Testament’s fourth gospel, in a visual movie format. The multimedia interpretation of the gospel differs from other movies interpretations such as the movie “The Passion”. While both “The Passion” and “The Gospel of John” show the gospel in cinematic format, both with the directors influence and own interpretation, there are some notable differences between the two. “The Gospel of John” has a more direct, straight to the point approach to the gospel interpretation. It appears the most of the text in the movie is taken straight from the gospel, which was The Good News Bible version, which makes it seem like there is less leeway for the directions own spin to be added to the film. This gave an opportunity to me to gather a more direct exegesis of the Gospel of John because I had previously read the whole text, and then was able to see it in picture and visualize the text. One thing that stood out to me was how well the film “The Gospel of John” did of following the gospel. A difference that stood out to me was the dialogue between the characters of the film, which was easier to pick up on while watching it rather than reading the text. I myself didn’t fully grasp the diversity of the characters, as I read through …show more content…

I first off would have given more scenes and background to the feasts that occurred during the span of the gospel, as I think those are very important aspects to fully understand and properly exegete the gospel. They give a lot of insight to the World Behind the Text, which is important to understanding the whole text. I would also maybe created a longer scene for the prologue, because for me, understanding the prologue fully really sets the tone for the rest of the gospel, as well as providing some important background information needed to completely exegete the