The Great Gatsby Deterioration Analysis

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The relationship quickly switches stages unexpectedly to the deterioration stage. This stage is “characterized by a weakening of the bonds… you view the future with your partner more negatively,” (DeVito 227). This occurs when Gatsby begins pressuring Daisy into leaving Tom. This scares Daisy and causes the bonds between the two to weaken because she is quickly reminded by Tom about the reasons she loves him. This is especially shown in this scene when Daisy says, “Even alone I can’t say I never loved Tom,” (Fitzgerald 133). This is Daisy admitting that she loves Tom and it is this point that the dyad between Gatsby and Daisy begins to deteriorate. However, the deterioration really begins when Daisy is reminded of Gatsby’s identity of bootlegging and not coming from money. During the relationship, there is one affinity seeking strategy that is evident. The credibility strategy is seen in this dyad. The credibility strategy is “supported by contemporary research; they seek to establish your competence, character, and charisma,” (DeVito 76). This is especially evident with Gatsby in order to make Daisy love him. In this strategy, one establishes themselves and almost brags. An example of this is people thinking that Gatsby is an Oxford man. Another example …show more content…

Gatsby’s new and made up identity is what even gives him a chance with Daisy. As an attempt to chase away this negative identity, Gatsby is obsessed with the idea of marrying Daisy. However, Gatsby’s lies and past catch up to him when Daisy realizes she cannot and does not want to get over the idea of the stain that is left on Gatsby due to his negative identity. Finally, because of the materialistic world that people live in today, it prevents not only Gatsby, but several people within society from being able to be with the person that they truly