The Great Gatsby Life Is Too Short Essay

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One ideology that people tend to have is that “life is too short, so live it to the fullest” There is no wrong in choosing to live a life that way, but there are many consequences that come with living life to the fullest since it is deemed too short. Though living life to the fullest will promise an individual a fulfilling and happy life, in many cases, when people tend to have this mentality, they are prone to be a tad reckless with their actions and act on impulse In The Great Gatsby, a book written by F. Scott. Fitzgerald. It shows some of its characters striving to live their lives to the fullest and how it resulted in their downfall. “Life is too short.” an “American dream” concept that has existed since the 1920s to the present.
“Living …show more content…

Falling in love can be seen as a way to live the best life imaginable even if it leads to heartbreak or any of the consequences that comes with falling in love. A prime example of this would be when Gatsby decided to fall in love with Daisy. Gatsby tries to relive the long-lost years of when he fell in love with Daisy, hoping that it would still be the same, in doing that he lost himself, he found himself doing things that wouldn't suit the reputation he built up for himself. Gatsby's love problem reflects how people in reality attempt to live their best life to the fullest by falling in love with either a past lover or a current one, in doing so they tend to lose themselves. They end up doing things that they wouldn’t think they will ever do for another person, all for the sake of love. Yes, living life to the fullest can be seen as reckless and it doesn't change over time. Falling in love can also be seen as reckless. It does sound dramatic to put it in that statement, but as stated previously, falling in love can make one lose themselves, losing one's self when falling in love doesn't sound like a bad thing than what it is portrayed to be, but it cannot be said to be good either. A person can commit murder all for the sake of love, a person can hide a murder all for the sake of love, all for the sake of love a person can commit many felonies because he or she has found someone that would help them live life to the