
The Great Gatsby Quote Analysis

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Death, destruction, and desolation follow the horrendous actions of wealthy communities. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald creates a story with various characters from two very different societies: extreme wealth and extreme poverty. The wealthy inherit their fortunes and do not have to work for it, unlike the downtrodden. With this in mind, Fitzgerald paints two characters, Daisy and Tom Buchanan, as typical, affluent individuals with money, power, and everything imaginable. In the novel, Daisy and Tom come in wreaking havoc and destroying everything in their greed filled path, yet clear the area when any of the mess is being cleaned up because nobody holds them accountable due to their status. America is known as the land …show more content…

Daisy and Tom Buchanan were born into a very luxurious family, and with luxury comes power, money, and status. With this status, they are allowed to be as mean, as greedy, as careless as they desire. "I love Daisy too. Once in awhile I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself, but I always come back, and in my heart I love her all the time" (Fitzgerald 138). This quote is important because this develops Fitzgerald's claim of the chain of command based on money. We are taught from an early age that no matter how pretty, how smart, or how rich you are friendships are made from the kindness of your heart. This is one of the greatest myths in American society. Fitzgerald amplifies this with Daisy and Tom. They are horrendous people who cheat, and who neglect, and who only care about themselves. Yet, they have numerous friends and many lovers and many people who adore them. What people care about is their socioeconomic upbringing. What people care about is status and reputation. What people don't care about is how friendly you are. Tom Buchanan is a disaster, he cheats, he hits, he destroys. Yet, compared to the nice Jay Gatsby he is the better option for Daisy. Tom is better because he was born rich. He has the status and reputation that everyone dreams of having. America doesn't care how much love you can give, America cares about how much money a family has in its

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