The Great Gatsby Rhetorical Analysis

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Which brings us to the ending of the novel which moves us to the part of the plot of Ishmael’s. Melville uses words from the book of Job to describe Ishmael in the epilogue that is repeated four times in Job 1:15-19 — "And I only am escaped alone to tell thee" (470). Ishmael’s miraculous survival, of course, is the result of Queequeg’s coffin, which acts as his life preserver in the whirlpool caused by the sinking of the ship: His salvation takes on profound Biblical connotations: like Job, Ishmael endures a variety of trials from which he is eventually delivered; like Jonah, he is swallowed up by a whale (only in Ishmael’s case, it’s a metaphorical swallowing); and like the Ishmael of Genesis, he is marooned in a featureless landscape and