The Great Gatsby Weather Essay

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From day one of Nick Carraway’s arrival, to the tragic ending of the Gatsby story, the weather continues to play a big part in predicting what’s to come. While reading, the weather might seem to be of little importance, but looking back, it’s hard to miss its meaning. The weather in The Great Gatsby, foreshadows character behaviors and gives insight on certain events and people in the novel. Fitzgerald uses the theme of weather through a combination of temperature and wind, rain storms, and hot summer days all while intertwining it into the character’s lives. In The Great Gatsby, weather plays a key role in connecting the events to the story. The first time Nick sees Tom and Daisy the weather is warm and it’s windy out. There are two different …show more content…

One scene in particular was when Tom, Nick, Daisy, Jordan and Gatsby all when into the city. “The next day was broiling, almost the last, certainly the warmest, of the summer”(Fitzgerald 114). Nick states in the quote that it was the hottest day of that summer, the heat that day was what drove them into the city. The hotness of that day foreshadows the fiery intense events to come. While in the city Tom and Gatsby both claim to always have had Daisy’s love. It is also the day that myrtle is hit and killed by Daisy. Fitzgerald includes the weather in his writings as a way to help readers connect to the stories events. Fitzgerald used the theme of weather through a combination of temperature and wind, rain storms, and hot summer days while simultaneously intertwining it into the character’s lives. The foreshadows of the weather in The Great Gatsby, gave readers insight on certain events and people in the novel. The use of warm weather and wind, helped perfectly summarize Daisy as a character. Without the hot summer days and rain the story painted by Fitzgerald would have been left unconnected. The Great Gatsby’s weather changed on a dime for every event just like the readers