
The Great Law Of Peace Analysis

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When looking at how tribal leadership was, the first thing you had to understand was the Great Law of Peace. We learnt how the Huron prophet Peacemaker had a vision of uniting the warring nations together to make peace. When the nations came together they made the Great Law of Peace, which was then passed from generation to generation. In the Great Law of Peace it outlined a complex system of checks and balances between nations and sexes, the rights of the people were protected also. There were provisions for freedom of beliefs and religion, absolute liberty of each individual was protected; slavery, servitude banished. These are just some of the laws that the original peoples had, just some! When I learnt about how the tribal leadership worked, …show more content…

I was excited and fascinated to hear what life had been like before and when contact was made. We learnt and discussed how for tribal leadership the chief was on the bottom of the pyramid, and that it was the people that came first. Everyone’s voice would be heard, which sadly we cannot use today because the population is so big. The chief was the spokesperson of the tribe; he served the people instead of the other way around. The decisions were made by the councils, and when making those decisions; had to think seven generations ahead. If the decision would affect them badly then they would discard the idea. That is another thing I lover about the original peoples, they thought seven generations ahead! We do not even do that today! The world today only thinks about what’s currently in front of it, it feels like rarely do people think about how the decisions they make today will affect the world generation into the …show more content…

Every time I learnt something about tribal leadership, I saw the Europeans as the uncivilized ones, not the original peoples. I know now that the original peoples had a LOT more wisdom about life and land then the Europeans did. The way the ran the land just screamed harmony and peace to me, I honestly know that the world would have been a MUCH better place if we had followed in the footsteps of the original peoples rather than the Europeans.
The original peoples also had personal sovereignty, which meant overcoming personal weakness through self-discipline and the natural right of a person to have bodily integrity, and to be the one to control your own body and life. For example everyone had the right to work, everyone. No one was left out, because it was a natural right to be able to. When I look at the tribal leadership they had and the concept of personal sovereignty, I find my self-wishing that our government today had ruled in the same

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