The Great Migration: The Transformation Of English Colonists

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The Great Migration The Transformation of English Colonists As history teaches us, the great land we call the United States of America was built on the conquest of Native Americans and their territories and the enslavement of Africans. Although the birth of America was extremely tumultuous, the contact between the three cultures proved to change cultures and values forever. No matter the opinion of how it began, it is no arguing that the interaction between these three cultures built the legacy that is now known as the United States of America. England had become so overpopulated that it was becoming difficult to live comfortably; therefore, explorers began looking to discover more land and as a result found a New World. Relocating to …show more content…

English women were what Native Americans called “spoiled.” They did not work but instead spent their time attending the house receiving an education and sewing. They generally did all of their work for the benefit of the family, and not the outside world. “Women’s Work” would have included such activities as spinning, weaving and churning. In contrast, in the Native American culture, women were the workers of the tribe. Native American women in the southern colonies not only worked the fields but also attended to the house and the children. They often did all of this while being …show more content…

The Chesapeake Bay area was settled by unruly and disorderly young men who were either looking for a fresh start or had been “put out” of England due to their past criminal activity. Puritans who were wealthy and stable participants in society settled the Massachusetts areas. The Puritans left England because of religious persecution and the lack of religious freedom. England’s churches were made up of a church hierarchy that included bishops and other higher -ranking officials. However, when the Puritans began settling in New England, they chose to do away with these positions and instead established a general court. The General Court was made up of white males that made all the decisions regarding the church. The Puritans approach to religion was what led to the invention of congregationalism. Congregationalism is when the church selected its own minister and governed its own religious life (Jafee, David). This way of governing a church is still very much present in the way churches are run in America