
The Green Mile John Coffey Quotes

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Have you ever gone to a restaurant and the outside looked horrible but when you order the food and taste it, it’s the best food you've ever tasted. In the book “The Green Mile” the character John Coffey is sent to the E block for murdering 2 little girls, he is there to be executed with electrocution by “Old Sparky” the electric chair. Paul Edgecomb the head guard at prison block E sees how calm and kind John is unlike other murderers. John has the power to show people what he’s seen, in the memories John didn't kill the little girls someone else did, John was just trying to save them with his powers. John was holding the girl's dead bodies when the people found him that wasn't the only reason they thought it was him, John was a tall, large …show more content…

Paul and his fellow guards sees many prisoners and many executions during their time working there. When a prisoner is sentenced to be executed in block E they spend some time there before death. The time before their deaths are a very sensitive and crucial time, the prisoners use that time to reflect on what they have done and because there are very few prisoners guards often get to know the prisoners. The first time Paul saw John he was very intimidating and with the charges and physical appearance that came with John who would not be afraid. One of the characters in the book named Percy Wetmore is mean and nasty he is only working the E block because he is related to the governor by marriage. Percy tries to kill Mr.Jingles a mouse that is very intelligent and trust very few people but Mr.Jingles always gets away, until one day when Percy stomps on the poor mouse. John sees the mouse hurt and injured badly and heals it back to life, Paul at this point is convinced that John is innocent he says in the book on page 198 “Because a man who has a power like that in his hands, you don't usually think of him as the kind of man who rapes and murders children.” Even though Paul proved John's innocence he still wanted to die, afters Johns death Paul quit his job, he became unbearable and could not see anymore deaths his heart opened up and John showed him how to be a compassionate

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