Bed Bugs Habits

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Bed Bugs FAQs What are bed bugs? Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are flat, small, parasitic insects that feed only on the blood of humans. Bed bugs are brown-reddish in color, ranging from 1mm to 7mm (roughly the size of an apple seed), wingless and can live several months without feeding on blood as a meal. Where are bed bugs found? Bed bugs are found very where on the face of the globe from Europe and Asia, Africa, South to north America. As the presence of bed bugs has usually been seen as a problem in developing countries, but now it is dispersing quickly in parts of the Canada, United Kingdom, United States and Europe. Bed bugs have been found in world class resorts, five-star hotels so their presence is not related to poor hygienic habits. …show more content…

These areas include shelters, apartments, cruise ships, cinemas, rooming houses, hotels, dorm rooms, trains and buses. During the daytime the hide in places like box springs, seams of mattresses, bed frames, dresser tables, inside cracks or crevices, behind wallpaper, headboards or any other objects or clutter around the bed. Mostly during night time bed bugs may travel over 100 feet, but they prefer to live within a distance of 8 feet around sleeping area.Do Bed Bugs Cause Diseases? According to CDC and WHO bed bugs do not cause infectious diseases but they may cause some secondary infections like skin problems. Bed bugs are very annoyance and irritating because their presence causes itching and loss of sleep. What health risks do bed bugs pose? The bed bug bite affects differently each person. The response of bed bug bite can be ranged from the absence of biting mark physically, to a small bite sign, to a reaction of serious allergic. Bed bugs are not known to be dangerous; anyhow, an allergic reaction to many bites may need medical attention. Signs and symptoms of a Bed Bug Infestation The easiest ways for the identification of a bed bug infestation is by the telltale bite marks on the arms, neck, hands, face or any other part of the body. As these bite marks may take about 14 days to develop in some people, so it’s important to look for other clues when detecting bed bugs infestations. These signs

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