The Phases of Harlem Renaissance

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The most influential movement in African American literary history, which contributed the phase of the “New Negro”, is known as The Harlem Renaissance. This movement played a pivotal role in creating a different identity for the black culture ( Emerging in the 1920s, The Harlem Renaissance allowed black writers, artists, photographers, scholars, poets, and musicians to express their talents Part of the foundations of the movement was the Great Migration of African Americans from South to North, drastically expanding their knowledge and socioeconomic opportunities. Certainly the movement was more than literary, for having such a proximate relation to civil rights, the “New Negro” demanded civil and political privileges. Additionally, it had a revitalizing influence for African Americans to develop race pride; giving such a prestige to their work affected African Americans in a manner of desiring to reconnect with their unwanted African heritage. By incorporating Jazz and Blues to the movement, the Harlem Renaissance attracted the fascination of white people, mixing up their cultures and societies, providing opportunities for interracial couples to share more than dances, and although at some point it contributed to an evident decrease of racist outlooks …show more content…

By being a mixed-race man, he was on the exact position to choose a side, to be black or white, -although he felt that most of the times he passed for white because of his way of living- and he rather chose none of them but both by referring himself just as an American, and perhaps that’s how he felt everyone had to be called. Being part of The Harlem Renaissance showed how confortable he was by existing around both races and by wanting the black race to rise. He showed his readers how the African American culture was oppressed and how their talent led them to go up North