Birthmarks could be like magic stones that can grant wishes. In the story (The Birthmark) Aylmer who is described as a brilliant scientist his wife after a couple days of their marriage has she ever thought about removing the birthmark on her cheek. Aylmer immediately upsets his beautiful wife by saying “dearest Georgiana, you came so nearly perfect from the hand of Nature that this slightest possible defect, which we hesitate whether to term a defect or a beauty, shocks me, as being the visible mark of earthly imperfection”(Hawthorne 340). Georgiana sees the mark as a charm. She embraces the imperfections and blemishes. Although the birthmark seems not to bother Georgiana her husband Aylmer wants perfection. The birthmark located on Georgiana left cheek is a red mark in the shape of a …show more content…
Aylmer wasn’t for sure what he was getting himself into because his mind stayed focused on his wife defect. The desire for perfection no only kills Georgiana, however it also ruins her husband. “Aylmer reached a profounder wisdom, he need not thus have flung away the happiness which would have woven his mortal life of the sesame texture with the celestial” the author stated, (Hawthorne 349). Georgina tiny mark is all he can see. It develops in Aylmer’s mind until the good sight of gorgeous Georgiana fade.
Aylmer does not seem integrally evil at the beginning of the story; he is described as a brilliant scientist, and it is palpable he loves his wife. A couple days after he married her he becomes the antagonist of the story. In this circumstance he begins to forget how beautiful Georgiana is and instead only focuses on her birthmark. His constant undermining of her self-image is pure evil camouflaged as loving criticism. His stupidly wicked experimentation on her body cause her definitive death. Georgina was so focused on looking good for her man she let him experiment on her body for