The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter Analysis

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Love is a strong reaction one feels towards someone or something. While many dispute that it drives people to make rash decisions, it is also known as a remarkable emotion that is beneficial. The novel The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, by Carson McCullers, depicts many situations where people who have a love for each other use that emotion both positively and negatively. Many of the characters utilize this emotion for their own benefit, but some continue to demonstrate their love for others, even if those who are receiving that care do not realize it. In particular, Mick Kelly and John Singer, despite all their troubles and hardships, made it a responsibility to tend for friends and family. Unconditional love is often exhibited towards people they care about, whether or not the feeling is unreciprocated, leading one who displays such affection to become selfless.
For the duration or their friendship, John Singer continuously takes care of Antonapoulos, though the relationship is more one-sided. Since the beginning, Singer has always been the parent figure of the two; he makes sure all things are done and takes interest for others. However, Antonopoulos does not seem to understand all that is being done for him, especially when “[Singer is] continually marching [him] down to the courthouse...the money [that was] saved in the bank was spent for bail and fines” (McCullers 7-8). Afterward, Antonapoulos is released back to Singer, but shows no regret for anything he has done.