The Help By Kathryn Stockett

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¨Write about what disturbs you, particularly if it bothers no one else¨(83). The Help takes place in Jackson, Mississippi, during the 1960's. Miss Skeeter is a young, white writer who has decided to write a book on the maids of Jackson. The idea itself is dangerous, but colored folks talking about their bosses is deadly. In The Help, Kathryn Stockett creates a harsh reality of the 1960´s with well developed characters, having a good antagonist, and the perfect amount of imagery. Stockett´s well developed and realistic characters created an excellent story. The people of the book have layers that get peeled back throughout the story. Every figure in the book is unique and has their own special qualities. ”After a while Mae Mobley come over and press her cheek up to mine and just hold it there, like she know I be hurting. I hold her tight, whisper, ´You a smart girl. You a kind girl. Mae Mobley. You hear me?´ And I keep saying it till she repeat it back to me¨ (92). Aibileen is very well developed, she is strong, caring, and intelligent. You can see this when Aibileen quickly came to Mae Mobley's rescue. Due to Stockett’s development of Aibileen …show more content…

Miss Hilly has a fiery personality. Everyone was beneath her and no one could control her. She despised the help because they were different from her. She sought out to make sure they knew their place. ¨All these houses they're building without maid quarters? It's just plain dangerous. Everybody knows they carry different kinds of diseases than we do. I double¨ (8). All the good stories have antagonist. Miss Hilly caused one problem after the next. She started a riot by telling everyone to build a maid's quarter. The quote represents a conflict Miss Hilly started. From the very beginning of the book we knew Miss Hilly was the antagonist by her urge to cause problems. Miss Hilly’s schemes were all so detailed, the reader can picture them

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