The Hero's Journey Of Ray Kinsella

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While watching this movie Ray Kinsella, the main character he was on a journey or quest to please the voices that were telling him to “ it and he will come.” His journey throughout this while movie was to please the voice telling him to do odd things that he had no clue what to do. With enough small clues he ended up figuring out what to do. Ray Kinsella shows many traits of an epic hero. In fact, he shows all of the traits in the slightest ways or even in the boldest ways. An example of one of the traits that a hero has that Ray has is him being mortal. This is one of the most obvious ones because he’s a human. Homosappieans can die and can get hurt. Compared to an immortal they are not able to die, have special powers and cannot …show more content…

He went through the stages Resurrection, Rescue, Abduction, Threshold Crossing, Brother Battle, Enemies, Call to Adventure, Refusal of Adventure and last but not least Ordinary World. These stages are important because they made him a hero and put him through a quest to be put through a journey that seems as if he needs. For example, the Threshold Crossing was when Ray crossed over the threshold to be with his father, the baseball player. That was a really important stage than any other that was presented. This was the most important because this is what the whole journey was for. The god telling him to build the baseball field and he will come meant to build it and his father would appear. Another stage that was also relevant was Refusing the Call or not wanting to go through with the quest. This happened in the beginning of the movie. He thought he was going crazy so he didn't listen to the voices for a while until he finally took on the journey. This actually happened a couple times. Another time this occurred was when the haters got him. He thought that they were right and that he should stop chasing it. Then again, he continued to follow the journey. This is important because if he didn't follow through he would have not met up with his father. Ray Kinsella went through plenty of important stages throughout the book but these were the most important than any other