Hills Like White Elephants Essay

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The story of the Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway is about an American man and a young girl. They were waiting at a train station in Barcelona, drinking together. While they were waiting on the train to go to Madrid they had a conversation about something. Although the dialogue didn’t directly say what they were discussing, certain clues were given that pieced everything together about the conversation they were having. The interactions between the two have something to do with the fact that they had a physical encounter. That resulted in a huge decision the couple had to make. The first thing that is established in the story are the characters. Although, the writer didn’t provide a lot of detail about the characters the reader …show more content…

The couple took there bags over to the other side of the train. While they waited to for the train to Madrid which I think is where the girl has to get the procedure done. Another thing that I analyzed this how the girl grew within that conversation. As a young person sometimes, you’re very indecisive. Throughout the conversation there were points where the girl had moments of indecisiveness when it came down to what her final choice was going to be. The point of her growth was displayed at the end when she made it a point that her choice was made up and that the man needed to stop talking to …show more content…

Although, it took a lot of re-reading and piecing together. Also, it made me think about my own personal encounter with this topic. Realizing the main point of the conversation made me create my thesis which covered the main point. Doing this exposed the real conversation that this couple was having and the significance of them going back and forth on the issue. Another moment that I overlooked was the maturity of growth that this girl grew in such a short notice. Which is also relatable because of the fact that I am a young person I can understand how sometimes you have to think like a grown up quickly, so you can make the appropriate