The dwarves discover something that they didn’t think would happen when they first started onto their adventure, they have relied on Bilbo more than once to get them out of a sticky situation. The dwarves, first heart broke when they hear that Gandalf was leaving them, didn’t think that Bilbo was a worthy burglar to bring onto the trip, believing that he had caused the trip to slow more than necessary. They then begin to realize and discover why Gandalf did leave them though, Gandalf knew that Bilbo would help the dwarves as the journey progressed and he gained more
Bilbo’s long and perilous journey with the dwarves’ taught him that he does not have to live a life that is considered “respectable” by his neighbors. Bilbo could have adventures and make a difference while still being himself. “Bilbo was no longer quite respectable… He was held by the hobbits of the neighborhood to be ‘queer.’ I am sorry to say, he did not mind.
Bilbo Baggins finds another side of himself he is the one leading the group of dwarves. In chapter 8 Mr. Bilbo Baggins shows real bravery by been able to set himself and the dwarves free from the spiders. In chapter 9 Mr. Bilbo Baggins shows intelligence by been able to devise a plan to set the dwarves free from the wood elves prison. In chapter 12 it is Mr. Bilbo Baggins alone that goes into Smaug dragon’s lair and he is also able to find Smaug’s vulnerable spot. In chapter 16 Mr. Bilbo Baggins is willing to give up his share of the wealth to bring peace to the humans, dwarves, and
hough Tolkien expresses many traits through the characters in the book The Hobbit, there are many that stand out, such as the traits that Tolkien considers positive, negative, and what is better, strength or intelligence. A trait that Tolkien considers positive is bravery, a negative trait is being argumentative, and Tolkien values intelligence more than strength. First, a trait that Tolkien considers positive is bravery. In the text, Bilbo was told to go investigate the strange red light.
Secondly, in the two novels they are different because the reason that they leave are different. For instance, when Squirrel leaves it’s because she wants to stay with Bone; when Bilbo leaves he leaves because an adventurous side pulls him to do so, and to prove the dwarves wrong on their accusations. In addition, both main characters are humble. To add, when Matthias tried to feed them Squirrel was hesitant but not aggressive; Bilbo doesn’t argue with the dwarves
Bilbo feels perplexed, but treats them like guests anyway. When Bilbo could not take it anymore, and asked why they are here, Gandalf replied that they need a burglar to help the dwarves to reclaim their land. Bilbo disagreed at first,
Bilbo risks his own life to save the dwarves many times during the adventure, which in turn gains him the respect he deserves. This new respect that Bilbo has acquires gives him plenty of confidence in himself to get the job done, whatever it may be. This clearly shows that Bilbo's change from being ridiculed and doubted by the dwarves to being very highly respected is a dramatic one and deserves recognition. All Bilbo needed is a chance to prove the dwarves wrong, and that is what he gets when those same dwarves appear on his doorstep that sunny afternoon. Along with Bilbo Baggins becoming a braver and more respected hobbit, he also develops the most important change in the story; he changes from being incompetent to very resourceful.
Only like that we would know the elves are bad characters. Actually in the book Tolkien states the elves are good people. I really don’t think it was Tolkien’s intentions to portray the elves as bad characters. Only to show us dwarves and elves don’t really like each other very much. That is probably the reason
ESSAY TOPIC 2 Yes i find the wood elves tolkien created likable characters. Why? the elves song was joy full and happy they were also really polite to the dwarves.
Back then perspectives were very different, so the response to J.R.R. Tolkien’s book back then would have been very different in comparison to it were to be released tomorrow. If The Hobbit was released today, written the exact same way, it would get a lot more hate and judgement to have whole races categorized as the bad guys. Tolkien’s book does not include enough diversity in personalities within any race to get by in today’s sensitive and judgemental society. Another controversial segment in the book was the physical and mental separation between all the different creatures. The typical creature in the book would live with their race days away from any other races, isolated to their own kind.
Dwarves and hobbits are two peculiar creatures. They had a few similarities, but when they went on a journey together to retrieve the dwarves stolen treasure they handled the whole scenario in very distinctive ways. Throughout the story, they faced many arduous problems and they handled the situations in their own exclusive
In fact, Gloin says, "As soon as I clapped my eyes on the little fellow bobbing and puffing on the mat, I had my doubts" (Tolkien 18). On the other hand, Bilbo didn't trust the dwarves, nor did he want to go on the quest. To illustrate, Bilbo says "As soon as I saw your funny faces on the door-step, I had my doubts" (Tolkien 19). Over time the dwarves and Bilbo start to trust and respect each other more. For example, in chapter nine the book says that Thorin "...began to have a very high
The Hobbit Literary Analysis Would you be able to step out of your comfort zone for the sake of adventure and a promise of treasure? This was the predicament Bilbo Baggins is unexpectedly presented with one sunny afternoon. Thirteen dwarves appear at his door and put forward their offer. Bilbo is a little apprehensive at first but soon comes to the realization that in his ordinary life of a Hobbit in the Shire he will never get another opportunity like this again. When reading The Hobbit, being able to step out of your comfort zone is a major key.
Both elves and dwarves play a big part in The Hobbit. You may not think so, but they actually have a history. They are both part of multiple books, plays, and movies. Most people think that elves and dwarves are really short. If you think that, your wrong.
Bilbo calls the spiders names and sings insulting songs, angering them and luring them away from the dwarves. When Bilbo makes enough distance between the dwarves and the spiders, he goes back to save his friends. Bilbo learns that he has what it takes to change the course of a bad