The Hobbit Quotes About War

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In the book "The Hobbit" the author J.R.R. Tolkien conveys many different opinions and attitudes towards war. Showing emphasis both on the necessary and tragic consequences it could have. Throughout the whole story, we see different characters' perspectives on warfare, especially in the context of the Battle of the Five Armies, which was a surprise to all. In the reading, Thorin Oakenshield represents a more aggressive view of war. His one and only true desire to take back the treasure that once belonged to his people. He often shows stubbornness and pride due to this. Thorin’s primary refusal to share the riches with the other races, despite their desperate need and somehow valid inherence. The Author states “I will not parley, as I have said, …show more content…

Begone now ere our arrows fly!”(J.J.R. Tolkien).This reveals that war to Thorin means whoever rightfully wins, also gains rightful claim and credit. He is not here to be nice and make peace. Although, as the story continues, this attitude adds increasingly more problems for Thorin. Later, coming to the realization that his obsession with the treasure created a bad dynamic for himself and led to unnecessary troubles and wars. Then you have Bilbo Baggins on the other hand, he has a more gentle view on things which leads to more rational actions on his part. He understands how unreasonable war and the suffering it brings is. The author states “This is the Arkenstone of Thrain,” said Bilbo, “the Heart of the Mountain; and it is also the heart of Thorin. He values it above a river of gold. I give it to you. It will aid you in your bargaining.”(J.J.R. Tolkien Chapter 16. Bilbo thought of an easy solution to help calm the situation instead of immediately resorting to fighting. Doing this takes great courage because he risked being in big trouble with the Dwarfs and Thorin. Immediately you can tell where Mr. Baggins opinion on War lies, he would rather seek understanding from someone then choose

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