Holy Spirit In Act 2 Analysis

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The impression of many is that the presence of the Holy Spirit is accompanied by activity and often, loud noise. The mental picture, created by the account of the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 2, comes to mind. The scripture tells what raucous effect the Holy Spirit on this group of people had. They became noticeably noisy. There was something different about this noise. It was not just another ordinary noise; it was a sound so distinct and attention grabbing that it caught everyone’s attention and caused a crowd of people to run towards it. Verse 6 records that, ‘When they heard the loud noise, everyone came running’. The ignorant observers of this scene come to a simple conclusion in verse 13 that, ‘They're just drunk, that's all!’ With no other reference model, this was a logical, however incorrect conclusion. One has a tendency to expect a recurrence of the scene described in Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit is present. However, the Spirit of God cannot be boxed in. A few simple sentences cannot describe and define the work and effect of the Holy Spirit on us. John chapter 3, verse 34 describes the Holy Spirit as, ‘boundless is the gift God makes of His Spirit!’ …show more content…

From this we may deduct that how the Holy Spirit or the power of God manifests is not significant enough to deserve a Biblical explanation. Even so, over the centuries the presence of God resulted in all kinds of manifestations. Historical records show that a variety of manifestations were reported in the distant past by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), John Wesley (1703-1791) and George Whitefield (1714-1770). Manifestations were also reported through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In addition to falling over, manifestations such as convulsions, trembling, crying, roaring, screaming, laughing, quaking (shaking) and rolling about on the floor were