Loss Of Innocence In The House On Mango Street

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The novel The House On Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros was a fictional novel written in 1984. This novel shows the struggle of a young girl named Esperanza who was trying to mature to quick. Esperanza is a twelve year old girl who began to lose her innocence because she was trying to mature before she was meant to. The main conflict was Esperanza began to act like an adult, but yet she was still just a young girl, and because of her actions she experienced a loss of innocence. Through the use of syntax, Cisneros portrays the message that trying to mature too early will result in loss of innocence.
Cisneros signifies the usage of repetition to convey Esperanzas loss of innocence as expressed in ¨The Family of Little Feet,¨ “The First Job,” and “Red Clowns.” In “Family of Little Feet” Esperanza was wearing these beautiful womens shoes and she was just a young twelve year …show more content…

Esperanza was warned by the store clerk to take her beautiful shoes off but she didn’t listen and then she asked everyone around town if they liked her shoes and then she had an altercation with a bum, “Do you like these shoes?... Do you like these shoes?... Do you like these shoes? Bum man says, yes, little girl… If I give you a dollar will you kiss me?”(Cisneros 41). Cisneros illustrates repetition of the words “Do you like these shoes” and this represented the insight of a loss of innocence because she was talking to strangers and showing her shoes off and that was when she met the bum. Similarly in, “The First Job” it indicated a loss of innocents by expressing that Esperanza was working to pay for her schooling. Esperanza was asked by an old man at work for a birthday kiss and Esperanza aforesaid, “I thought I would because he is old and